
Chocolate Alliance is an organization with the mission to serve the artisan chocolate industry through professional consulting services, business education, product development seminars, professional networking and public events to ultimately create greater support, evolution, and success for business leaders in the chocolate industry. 

Our flagship event: The Northwest Chocolate Festival is now in its 15th year of production drawing thousands of consumers to taste new and established chocolate brands. The groundbreaking Chocolate Makers UnConference is now in the 9th year of production and continues to be a magnet for networking and business development of artisan brands.   

Chocolate Alliance provides specialized consultation services for a small niche of businesses that rely on quality cacao and chocolate products for success. From designing a chocolate processing facility, a retail space, or simply perfecting a package design - we are here to scale your business with you. The Chocolate Alliance will help you achieve your goals by ensuring you make the right connections to help your business thrive. 

The Chocolate Alliance Global Awards Program has been running since 2008. Our international panel of expert chocolate tasters are making history as they meticulously use Sensory Standards to determine each new winner. 

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